Just like the title says we remove and eliminate the following , hornets, Wasps, Yellow Jackets, Ants, Silver-fish, Cockroaches, Weevils , Japanese beetle, Bed Bugs, Aphids, Spiders, Rodents , Rats Roof And Field, Mice, Deer Mouse, field mouse, Garden voles, we do not trap raccoons or bees or squirrels we have associate's that do! do by 7 step investigation process then an Engineer process done to eliminate your pests, we believe in Organics wherever possible to use unfortunately synthetics required for infestations at times! under law your not suppose to be in the premise until checked by health dept! my experience phd in rodents , masters in entomology study of bugs ! and 20 years field experience , certified Master Exterminator, call or text Doc a man here to help all Canadians in Metro-Vancouver , 604-379-7082 deals on for Ants! https://metrovancouver-pest-control.ueniweb.com/