CS Law is a New Westminster-based company that provides the services of a Personal Injury Lawyer to those who are suffering from physical or physiological pain or both due to an accident. We provide the effective services of personal injury lawyer. He is the best person who can provide the best possible support to those who have suffered an accident and sustained an injury due to the fact that another person was reckless. We deal with such issues in which the injured person can claim against the guilty individual or party. A personal injury lawyer is always available to assist you in any sort of accident that you meet. If you unluckily become the victim of an accident and injure yourself, the lawyer is the most qualified person who can assist you to take necessary steps against the person accountable for the injury.
These lawyers are sincere when it comes to preserving the rights of their clients. They deal with cases in such a way that they come up with fruitful results for the clients.
What are waiting for?
Contact us today and let personal injury lawyer provide you the diverse benefits.
Contact us:
833 Carnarvon Street
New Westminster BC, V3M 1G2
Ph no: 604-526-5100
Fax no: 604-526-6352
Email: tjhewittcslaw.ca
Website: http://www.cslaw.ca/
Open Saturdays
Monday-Friday: 9am – 5pm
Saturdays: 10am – 4pm
(Closed Saturday on long weekends)