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Results found: 2
Man for long term serious relationship
31-01-2025 13:50
Wanted: Women dating, women looking for men in Canada, Vancouver ... View detailed ...

I'm a 50 years old woman, looking for a serious life partner. This advert is specific because I am looking for something specific. I can offer you a great lifestyle in Europe and peace of mind. I need a man my age, fit and healthy, white, Canadian. No legal entry problems to Europe etc. You must know DIY, building and carpentry skills and be fairly sporty.

Looking for serious relationship
04-07-2022 18:08
Wanted: Women dating, women looking for men in Canada, Vancouver ... View detailed ...
Looking for serious relationship

I am kind, sincere, honest, considerate, romantic and passionate and clever. I am very easy to get along with, good companion, very understanding, open minded, slightly old fashioned in my perception of relationships I have very strong interest in art, in all kinds. I love romance and am romantic, i also like the indoor and outdoor activities.

Results found: 2

Canada free classified ads for Women dating, women looking for men, Vancouver, Women dating, women looking for men free ads Vancouver, Women dating, women looking for men for sale Vancouver, Women dating, women looking for men to buy in Vancouver.
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